{IMPORTANT: Manga Censorship}

As of yesterday Manga Fox has stopped hosting Mature manga as stated in this thread: HERE

Now this means they might start disabling every manga marked mature. As far as I can tell most of the popular smut titles are still there but that could change. As well there have been complaints about Kaichou-wa Maid-sama disappearing. I have checked the link on this site to Kaichou-Wa on Mangafox and it is still there.

And it doesn’t stop at Mangafox. Apparantly all of our favourite online readers are being targeted as quoted in this article. It’s all coming down to child pornography. (Shota/Loli)

How does this count for you since you don’t read shota/loli? Well, if Kaichou-wa was targeted this means that ANY manga with under age people in ANY sexualized situation could be targeted. Honey x Honey Drop? It’s gone.

What does this mean in the long run? The links I have put up in the past may or may not work in the future. If you could point out broken links it would be greatly appreciated. If some manga only have downloads available, and you need help downloading I can help or you can go to the link on the right that explains how. With some manga I’ve found you can’t look them up on mangafox but if you go through a link like the ones on the site you can still access them.

Thanks in advance. I’m sure we will get through this without a problem!

XOXO Kitteh

EDIT: While the links work, make sure the scans are there. For Kaichou-wa the page is there but when you chose chapters there is nothing there. I’ll try to keep the site as clean as possible so again, any help is kindly accepted.

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