Bee-Sting Babe and the Gorgeous Guy

Name: Bee-Sting Babe and the Gorgeous Guy (Chippai Kanojo to Bijin Kareshi )
Mangaka: Neco

Volumes: 1
Licensed: eBook Renta! 
Current Licensed Volumes: Ch.08
Scanlations: None
Scanlator: None
Type: Manga
Genre: Romance, Drama
Age Group: Mature
Summary:  Though she’s a tomboy with a hangup over her tiny chest, Iori has a crush on Sota Seto, who is the pastry chef at the cafe where she works. Iori was sure that he wasn’t interested in her until one day, he suddenly professes his love for her and goes on to kiss her. She sees him unclothed for the first time – and my, he’s huge!! She never would have expected the graceful man’s lips to be caressing her all over. It’s terribly embarrassing, but she discovers that his you-know-what isn’t gross at all…

Manga Updates

Graphics Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 3/5

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Name: Hiyokoi
Manga-ka: Yukimaru, Moe

Volumes: 14 (Complete)
Licensed: No
Scanlations: V.14 Ch.60 (Complete)
Scanlator: Eternal Heart, Imanga Scans, Shoujo Crusade
Type: Manga
Genre: Comedy
Age Group: Everyone

Summary: Hiyori, a small and timid girl, goes to school for the first time in a year since an accident left her hospitalized. Follow her as she struggles with her social skills, tries to make friends and maybe even a little bit more…?

-From Mangaupdates

Graphics Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 4/5

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Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta

Name: Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta
Manga-ka: Miyasaka, Kaho

Volumes: 14 (Complete)
Licensed: No
Scanlations: V.11 Ch.44 (Ongoing – Feb 2021)
Scanlator: Many
Type: Manga
Genre: Comedy/School Life
Age Group: Teen

Summary: Kaji Kotori is a shy girl and was always bad at making new friends, especially with guys. Since the start of high school she has been made fun of by Kaji Yukito who’s the centre of attention of the class. Rumours are that he was a delinquent during middle school but he doesn’t look like one. Here comes the life of Kotori and how she adapts to love.

-From Mangaupdates

Graphics Rating: 4/5
Plot Rating: 3/5

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